Back in March I attended a Usborne Books & More “party” on Facebook and fell in love with all the books the company sells. Ivy’s always had an interest in reading so I thought it would be a fun program to join. Each month I’ll share with you some fun titles that correspond with the season as inspiration for your kids’ libraries. This month’s theme is all about gardening, flowers and bugs!

- A Peek Inside a Beehive
- How Do Flowers Grow?
- That’s Not My Bee…
- Baby’s Very First Play Book – Garden Words
- Pull-Back Busy Bug Book
- Secrets of the Vegetable Garden (a light-and-shine book – these are so fun!)
- Little Stickers – Bugs
- Garden Sounds
- Fingerprint Activities – Bugs (definitely adding this to my cart!)
- 1001 Bugs to Spot (perfect if you have an upcoming road trip!)
- Fingerwiggly Worms
- Bugs – Matching Game
- Bugs – Magic Painting Book
- Bee Makes Tea
- Why Do We Need Bees? (a lift-the-flap book full of questions and answers!)
What do you think? Would your kiddos like any of these books? I’m really loving the light-and-shine books, the water and finger-painting books and the stickers! Ivy LOVED the reusable sticker books I picked up for her!
Join me again next month for Camping, Rain and Summer-themed books! And if you’re interested in having me customize a wishlist for your kids, comment below with their age(s) and interests and and your email and I’ll send a link with a few recommendations.