Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! My most favorite time of year is the time leading up to and Christmas day and now that I have my own child to celebrate with, I look forward to the holidays even more. Although Ivy just turned one, and doesn’t have much of a clue as to what’s…Read More
Growing Ivy || Books for Baby’s Library
One of my favorite things to do to wind down is read a good book, so when I got pregnant I knew right away that I wanted to build a little library for my baby. When I found out I was having a girl, I got really excited because there are so many adorable books…Read More
Fall Favorites || Baby Style
Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons. Don’t get me wrong, living in Minnesota spring is always something I look forward to after long winters, and summer is always great, but there’s just something about fall that puts it just above the other warmer seasons. Besides the fun fall activities, like apple orchard visits,…Read More